Destroy The Godmodder Wiki

“That, my friends, is the sound of pointless frivolity.”
pionoplayer, Destroy the Godmodder 2: Operator!

The Alchemiter is a gameplay feature in Destroy the Godmodder 2: Operator! that was introduced in Act Two. It is originally from the webcomic Homestuck. It allows items to be combined to make more powerful weapons and tools. It has two functions: AND and OR, which combine the appearance and function of two items and combine the appearance of one item with the function of another, respectively.

Usage in DTG

The Alchemiter's main purpose is to take two items and combine them to create a different item. This process as described in Homestuck is very convoluted and long, so thankfully, most of it was cut out.

The Alchemiter is used like amore advanced Crafting Table. Two items are used as the input, and then the machine will tell the player what item will be created and its assigned level. Every alchemy has a level. The level determines how much time the alchemy will need to be created for. All alchemies take at least one post for the items to be gathered, and then, depending on the level, additional posts for the Alchemiter to properly combine them.

The Alchemiter currently supports up to Level 10 Alchemies. To determine how many posts an alchemy needs to be created for, you take its level and add one. Therefore, Lv. 10 alchemies take 11 posts.

The Alchemiter can combine items in two different ways: && (AND) and || (OR). To describe how these functions impact the output, an example will be shown.

Hammer && Pogo Ride = Pogo Hammer

Hammer || Pogo Ride = Hammerhead Pogo Ride

The && alchemy combined the function of both items, creating a hammer that has pogo-based abilities.

The || alchemy combined the function of one item with the form of the other item! creating a pogo ride shaped like a hammer. And that is Alchemy 101.

Created Items

There have been countless items made using the  Alchemiter. Some of them are listed here. A more complete list can be found on the forge database thread.

Alchemiter Upgrades

Players can add upgrades to the Alchemiter, giving it various other functions.
